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AP Literature and Composition

AP Literature and Composition

High School

English Language Arts

Course Description:

The AP English Literature and Composition course focuses on reading, analyzing, and writing about imaginative literature (fiction, poetry, drama) from various periods. Students engage in close reading and critical analysis of imaginative literature to deepen their understanding of the ways writers use language to provide both meaning and pleasure. As they read, students consider a work’s structure, style, and themes, as well as its use of figurative language, imagery, and symbolism. Writing assignments include expository, analytical, and argumentative essays that require students to analyze and interpret literary works.

Semester 1

Unit 1 Short Fiction
Unit 2 Poetry
Unit 3 Longer Fiction or Drama
Unit 4 Short Fiction

Semester 2

Note: if the following section is blank the course is 1 semester long

Unit 5 Poetry
Unit 6 Longer Fiction or Drama
Unit 7 Short Fiction
Unit 8 Poetry
Unit 9 Longer Fiction or Drama

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